San Jose Personal Injury Attorneys

File your claim with us and get compensated immediately. Start by filling out our form, or give us a call for immediate assistance!


Being injured by someone else’s negligence in an accident can seriously upend your life in no time flat, and the damages you suffer can be immense. Obtaining just compensation is the best way to help ensure that you are able to fully heal and return to the life you love, and an experienced San Jose personal injury attorney can help you get there.

Visit Our San Jose Office

99 South Almaden Boulevard, Suite 600
Suite 600, PMB #0074
San Jose, CA 95113

Personal Injury Basics

Every personal injury claim contains its own unique facts and follows its own unique path, but the personal injury basics apply across all claims.

You Can Seek Economic and Noneconomic Damages
The damages you can seek in your personal injury claim include economic damages like the following:

  • Property damage to your vehicle (if you were injured in a traffic accident)
  • Your medical expenses, which can be immense and can be ongoing (for serious injuries)
  • Your lost earnings, which can develop into a dip in your earning potential

You can also, however, seek compensation for your emotional damages, which refers to the physical and emotional pain and suffering you’ve endured. This pain and suffering can be considerable and should not be ignored.

You’ll File Your Claim with the At-Fault Party’s Insurance Provider

Your claim will proceed through the insurance provider of the person or entity whose negligence left you injured. While the insurance company is in the business of covering such losses, it is invested in turning a profit, which means that obtaining the compensation to which you are entitled can be a battle. Be on the lookout for the following telltale signs that the involved insurance company is up to something:

  • An early settlement offer that doesn’t even come close to covering your complete financial, physical, and emotional damages
  • An overly complicated and/or lengthy claims process that makes you want to give up in frustration
  • Attempts to push the blame for the accident toward you
  • Attempts to minimize the extent of your damages

Your experienced personal injury attorney knows how to deal with the insurance company while skillfully negotiating fair terms, and this is a job that is best left to him or her.

You Can Seek Compensation Even if You Share Fault

The State of California takes a shared fault approach to personal injury claims, and this means that, even if you share some of the responsibility for the accident that leaves you injured, you can still seek compensation via a personal injury case. For example, if you were driving 10 miles over the speed limit when a drunk driver hit you and caused you to be injured, and the jury deems you 20 percent responsible for the accident, the compensation you are awarded will be reduced by that 20 percent. In other words, if your court award is $20,000, you will receive 20 percent less, which amounts to total compensation of $16,000.

You Can Expect Your Case to Be Complicated

Personal injury cases tend to be quite complicated, and this is exactly why it is in your best interest to work closely with an experienced San Jose personal injury attorney from the outset. Your attorney’s focused guidance will provide you with the peace of mind you need to move forward toward a favorable claim resolution with confidence and purpose.

Your Injuries

The injuries associated with personal injury claims are wide-ranging, but there are certain types that are most common.

Broken Bones

The healing process for a broken bone is lengthy, and these are exceptionally painful injuries. If your break is a compound break or is otherwise complicated, you could be looking at multiple surgeries and a very difficult path forward toward healing. When a broken bone fails to heal properly, it can leave you with chronic pain and a severely diminished range of motion.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic Brain Injuries

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects your brain, which houses your personality and which makes these injuries as dangerous as they are unpredictable. TBIs can lead to dramatic psychological consequences that can include:

  • Changes in personality
  • Paranoia
  • PTSD-like symptoms
  • Increased anxiety
  • Depressive episodes
  • Severe mood swings
  • Self-isolation
  • The act of pushing others away
  • Crying jags
  • Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia
  • Social anxiety

TBIs can affect your ability to care for yourself and can lead to the need for ongoing care. A TBI can derail your life in the work of a moment, and one of the most difficult consequences is that the effects of your TBI can serve to distance your support system just when you need their help most urgently.

Spinal Cord Injuries

An injury to your spinal cord can be exceptionally painful and can seriously impede your range of motion. If your spinal cord is severed in the accident, you face permanent paralysis and a lifetime of medical costs – along with the potential need for ongoing care.

Severe Burns

Severe Burns

A severe burn can be permanently disfiguring if it is on or near your face, and these injuries are as painful and dangerous as the accidents that cause them are terrifying. A serious burn can damage your underlying muscles and tissue; can leave you vulnerable to life-threatening infections; and can thicken and tighten your skin as it heals, which can lead to even more dangerous secondary health concerns.

Serious Cuts

Serious cuts are painful, leave you vulnerable to serious infections and secondary health concerns, and can be very slow to heal. Further, if you suffer a cut on or near your face, it can leave you permanently disfigured.

Look to an Experienced San Jose Personal Injury Attorney for the Professional Legal Guidance You Need

If someone else’s negligence leaves you injured in a traffic accident, a slip and fall accident, or any other kind of accident, obtaining just compensation is an important component of your recovery process. The resourceful San Jose personal injury attorneys at Los Angeles City Law are committed to employing their full range of impressive experience in pursuit of your claim’s most beneficial resolution. Our talented legal team is on your side and well-positioned to help, so please don’t wait to contact or call us at 866-522-4895 for more information today.